Join the new Allowing Series and get unlimited access to two zoom sessions that cover important topics related to the Violet Flame and Discerning Guidance. Special Limited Offer by Donation.
Over 10% of the proceeds donated to charity
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Testimonials from Participants in Saryon's Work
These wonderful, profound teachings, wrapped in pure love, have touched my heart deeply and given me new knowledge, understandings and insights. Each class is a truly exciting journey of discovery and truth. Love and blessings, Heather
This is my favorite school to date! It's more intuitive ....just love it....surprising me each time I come to listen. Violet
If you have a desire to channel your guides, channel your higher self and channel energy then Saryon is the clearest and most generous teacher that I have found. My growth with him has been astronomical and I can highly recommend him as a teacher and a guide. Susan R.